°The Ferryman (2017-2018)

From October 2017 until January 2018 Ivan has played the role of Tom Kettle in the critically acclaimed stage play The Ferryman in London’s Gielgud Theatre.

This Jez Butterworth play is directed by Bond movie director Sam Mendes and has transferred to Broadway in autumn 2018 where it is still running as of March 2019.

Ivan had been the first choice for the role of Tom Kettle but was unavailable during the first run due to his workload from other contracts. Therefore, he took over in the second run which brought special challenges (see video interview farther below).

For Ivan, this was a return to the stage after almost twenty years – a challenge in itself that he has mastered brilliantly.

We will add more information and a character page for Tom Kettle whenever possible. Let us know if you are interested that we prioritize it.

Here is our first piece of a long interview we did with Ivan in late April 2019 about his experience with his theatre comeback in The Ferryman: