Mick Sturrock in ‘The Coroner’

Mick Sturrock is a pub landlord in the small town Lighthaven in Devon and the common law spouse of Judith Kennedy, the mother of the coroner Jane.

Due to his profession Mick knows a lot of people and their secrets and has ample opportunity to overhear drunk conversations. Therefore he can usually give crucial information to Jane when she assists Detective Sergeant Davey Higgins of South Dart Police in solving murder cases – which happens regularly.

Nonetheless close association with the police is somewhat delicate, because Mick constantly tries to make some extra money aside and thereby does not always remain exactly within the limits of legal regulations (about which he is usually well-informed)

A comic aspect is added by Mick’s and Judith’s obvious infatuation and erotic allusions delivered with disarmingly joyful innocence to which Jane usually reacts in a less than thrilled manner.

The character is cool and funny on the surface, but shows some deeper characteristics over the two seasons of the series. More traits of Mick Sturrock collected from the fan community are: clever, a smart businessman, a loyal stepfather.

Ivan’s character appears in 18 of 20 episodes over 2 seasons for mostly short, but memorable scenes. Screentime is accordingly limited, but as always Ivan’s appearances are well worth watching and deliver ample material for shots. In two episodes of Season 2 he is more at the centre of the story (see production page for The Coroner).

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