Patrick in ‘For Love or Money’

***More media to be inserted after wider release of the film – check for updates!***

Patrick is the father of Connie, the main female character and bride-to-be in independent comedy film For Love or Money: An Unromantic Comedy (formerly known as The Revenger).

From the wedding scene towards the end of the film, we learn that Connie’s and hence Patrick’s last name is Nicholson.

Patrick’s occupation is not clear, but judging by the size of his house and the fact that he employs a maid he seems to be fairly well-off.

In his very first scene, Patrick makes a jovial and hospitable impression.

Behind-the-scenes still of Ivan Kaye as Patrick in FLOM by Chris Lopez

At dinner, it becomes clear that he is a somewhat traditional patriarch as he is seated at the head of the table and wears rather formal clothing. He is also the person leading the conversation.

It does not last long, however, and it becomes clear that he is not exactly charming towards his daughter Connie, to say the least.

Actually, he is quite a horrible type of father who is also eagerly interested in getting rid of his responsibility for Connie, backed up in all that effectively by his wife Carol.

For Love or Money_private screener.mp4-00090_DoubleLayer-hochskaliert-schnitt_admonishing
Ivan Kaye as Patrick in ‘For Love or Money’

Patrick’s patriarchal attitude has the repercussion of certain character flaws based on his views on women that, in combination with a (seemingly?) conflicting and somewhat bizarre kind of promiscuity, makes him a perfect caricature of an (outwardly) traditional patriarch.

In combination with Carol who is his perfect match in a female version, they give utterly embarrassing parents. Patrick is hilarious to watch, but you definitely don’t want to be his daughter – not Connie at least.

Some additional information on the function of Connie’s parents in the film can be gained from a recent interview with the director:

Interview with Mark Murphy on ‘Film and TV Now’

All the scene snippets of Patrick that have been published in the trailers are compiled in the following clip, but they have carefully avoided using the best stuff:


Update 7th July 2019: Meanwhile, another scene snippet showing Ivan has been added to the new UK trailer (for which check our page for the film) and there is also a behind-the-scenes clip with glimpses at Ivan on Youtube.

We will integrate this new material and more in our own clips sometime after UK release as we do not want to hurt the interests of this independent production.


For an appraisal of Ivan’s top-notch performance (and how it shows), information on the film and its availability and for links to the store and official pages, please check our production page for For Love or Money!

If you like watching any of Ivan’s characters and would like to see more of him in great productions, do not forget to visit his IMDb page to improve his popularity rank – just click on the link below!

Ivan Kaye on IMDb

Page photo: FLOMmovie on Instagram