Con Appearance, Events, Ivan Kaye, Stars, Vikings

Ivan Kaye (King Aelle) at the German Vikings Con in Düsseldorf

For those who were unable to attend the German Vikings Con in Düsseldorf on 5th November 2022 we have created a selection of awesome media material. Enjoy!

As expected, Ivan took the hearts of the fans by storm to the point that a group of Viking cosplayers started shouting “The king! The king! The king!” on his way to the closing ceremony and broke into an impromptu “kneeling ovation” homage with a song:

Homage to the king from various angles

Moe Dunford (King Aelle’s highly appreciated son-in-law Aethelwulf) was extremely pleased to meet his friend and mentor “uncle” Ivan at the con and took every opportunity to point to Ivan’s interpretation of King Aelle as a family man and to praise his accomplishment as an actor and his personal virtues.

Ivan Kaye and Moe Dunford at the German Vikings Con

Their royal “Team Saxon” panel was as entertaining as it was insightful and we have managed to capture almost the full thing for you and put it together in a playlist:

Ivan Kaye (King Aelle) & Moe Dunford (Aethelwulf) during their panel

As you can see, despite the heat, Ivan was even ready to dress up as King Aelle again in his original tunic and armour from his last episode 4×18 ‘Revenge’ (purchased from VIP Fan Auctions in late 2020) for the fans and looks just as if the king himself enters the stage.

Together with his not-so-original crown (sadly, we missed the auction of the beautiful original) that he had brought himself, that provided a very special photo shoot experience as you can see on the official and not-so-official photos:

The king has arrived!
Loving the fans
Check our Instagram for an even better front view of this renewed blood eagle situation
With super fan and supportive fan page associate Nathalie (check her page on Twitter)

Ivan himself loved the experience and had a lot of fun:

Ivan’s welcome message at the con
Ivan gets into King Aelle’s armour again for the photo shoot
Some good glimpses at Ivan in this clip
Slightly different glimpses at Ivan in this one

Of course, Ivan also enjoyed meeting our favourite Mercian queen Amy Bailey aka Kwenthrith who was a foe to Ivan’s King Aelle but is a lovely friend of his in real life:

Sadly, they didn’t give us a Team Saxon photoshoot

No wonder that, after an extremely enjoyable day, Ivan expressed appreciation for the fans and enthusiasm for conventions the next day:

Ivan’s message to the fans from 6th November 2022

For a collection of even more awesome photos and some clips, check the album on the Facebook page that is still being complemented and the playlist in the video section there as well as the feed of the page in general.

For the Youtube playlist with slightly differing material, you can go here:

Ivan Kaye at the German Vikings Con

Even more material can be found in the 2 con highlights on the Instagram page:

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