comedy, Ivan Kaye, News, Release Dates, Streaming Info, TV series, Upcoming stuff

Wedding Season with Ivan Kaye: Release Date, Trailer and more

Ivan Kaye stars as Mr Delaney, Hugo Delaney’s (George Webster) father who is the new husband of Rosa Salazar’s character Katie in the first original scripted British TV series of Disney+ Wedding Season.

That makes Ivan Rosa Salazar’s TV father-in-law.

The series is a crime action-comedy with a concept that sounds original and somewhat quirky. The story

centers on Katie, a beautiful bride who we meet on her wedding day surrounded by the dead bodies of her new husband and every member of his family. The police think Katie’s lover Stefan did it. Stefan thinks Katie did it. Katie thinks her ex-husband did it. No one knows what the truth is.

(Plot description on IMDb)
Official Wedding Season Trailer, released on 10th August 2022

Today, Disney+ announced that the series will be released on 8 September 2022 (Disney+ Day) on Disney+ globally, on Star+ in Latin America and on Hulu in the US.

First looks include one shot that shows the bride surrounded by dead family members and we are one hundred per cent certain that the man to her right is Ivan (we recognize his hair and hand).

Official still showing Ivan as the dead Mr. Delaney on the right side of Rosa Salazar.
Wedding Season S1. Rosa Salazar as Katie McConnell in Wedding Season S1. Cr. Luke Varley/Disney+ © 2021. (Source:

More of the story has been revealed as well:

We now know that Katie (Rosa Salazar) and Stefan (Gavin Drea) fall in love with each other at a wedding when Katie is already engaged with the son of Ivan’s character. After the death of her prospective husband and his family at her own wedding two months later, Katie has to go on the run with her lover to prove their innocence.

Hence, the “action-thriller” element becomes clearer while the comedy element is already apparent in the bizarre idea of a wedding full of corpses.

We also know now that Ivan is set to appear in 5 out of 8 episodes (1-3, 6 and 7 according to IMDb) and will keep you updated in case any differing info becomes available.

(Sources: Articles on Deadline, Variety Disney Plus Informer)

*Update 10th August 2022*

Meanwhile, we have learned that Dan Deacon has composed the music for the series and that the Australian premiere will be on 8th September on Disney+ as well. Now, we are awaiting a trailer that may show Ivan’s face in this series too.

(Sources: Disney Plus Informer on 8th August 2022, TV Blackbox on 9th August 2022)

*Update 11th August 2022*

An official trailer has been released (see farther up on this page) and Ivan’s Mr. Delaney looks promising with a mixture of Polo Yakur and King Aelle vibes.

“I need to protect my family.”
Mr. Delaney (Ivan Kaye) makes Katie (Rosa Salazar) somewhat uncomfortable
Ivan as Mr. Delaney’s corpse at the wedding dinner

*Update 16th August 2022*

From Instagram stories and posts of some of the actors, we learned that on 16th August 2022 a cast screening and press panel took place for Wedding Season.

Screening photo by director George Kane

It seems, though, that neither Ivan nor Rosa Salazar was present at the occasion.

Photo of the press panel shared by director Laura Scrivano

Nonetheless, we would love to see this show on a big screen too at some point!

*Update 1st September 2022*

Starting the behind-the-scenes gallery with a shot from Annika Summerson’s Instagram page (Ivan’s own coming around the release):

To the right Ivan as Mr. Delaney, probably before the deadly scene, with the bride Rosa Salazar in his back

*Update 7th September 2022*

George Kane gave an audio interview talking about Wedding Season and his upcoming indie film Apocalypse Clown with Ivan in a leading role and described his Mr. Delaney as as “an evil patriarch” – we figured that much from the trailer. But we are sure that Ivan has given the character his special 3D treatment to make sure that it goes much deeper and Mr. Delaney will be a joy to watch and much more relatable than one might think.

Check the Podcast episode below at 36:13 for general talk about Wedding Season and at 53:49 for the remarks about Ivan and the two characters Mr. Kane apparently knows.

And we have learned from an interview with writer Oliver Lyttelton and Ivan’s co-star Gavin Drea that a 2nd season is already being written but we cannot say yet if that is of any interest to Ivan’s fans.

After the release of season 1 we might have a better idea about the prospects but given that Ivan’s character ends up dead in it, we do not have much hope for a continuation that includes him. Yet a continuation is always good as it keeps the interest in the original story warm.

We also got some nice promo visuals from Disney Plus UK on social media:

In this case: Scroll! 😉

Further Links

Wedding Season on IMDb

Ivan Kaye on IMDb

Interviews Mentioning Ivan

George Kane interviewed by Ruth Medjber (7 September 2022)

Preview Reviews Selection

Collider Review on 1st September 2022

Laughing Place Review on 1st September 2022

International Press Articles Selection

Janbharat Times (13th August 2022)

Bustle (21st August 2022)

Deadline Article on the Development of the Show (25th August 2022)

list23 (26th August 2022)

DroidJournal (26th August 2022)

Serieously (7th September 2022, French, with cast photos)

Nachrichten DE (German, automatic translation)

Nouvelle FR (French)

Tebigeek (Italian, automatic translation) (Korean)

ZonadePrensa RD (Spanish, automatic translation)

Liku (Chinese)

Lubon TV (Polish)

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