Ivan Kaye, News, Opinion, TV series

Is ‘The Dark Tower’ TV Series Dead?

May has been a month full of news about The Dark Tower TV series (for our prior coverage of the project in chronological order, go here, here, and here). Alas, it has not been all too good news.

What Happened So Far

After Amazon’s decision not to commission the show had been leaked in January 2020, an effort was made to shop the original scripts of the pilot to other networks. We reported about this situation and quoted the statements of those who had seen the pilot here.

On 12th May 2020, Glen Mazzara finally stated on Twitter that the series had not been picked up by any network and they had stopped their efforts to shop it around.

After this devastating piece of news, the fans started to focus on the question how it might be possible to get to see the pilot at least as it has been finished including post-production with a score by Bear McCreary.

A petition idea had been in planning stage since Glen Mazzara’s devastating announcement on Twitter. On 27th May 2020, a new Stephen King podcast by Scott Wampler and Eric Verspe, the men behind Birth.Movies.Death, published an elaborate one hour interview with Mazzara who narrated the pilot and explained his multi-season plan for the series in detail.

Here is an extract from this episode of The Kingcast quoting Mazzara:

So (Roland) chases Marten across the desert and ends up in Hambry. He meets Susan. In the pilot, it’s the Feast of the Kissing Moon and she’s being presented to the Mayor and she meets Roland on the road.

Ivan Kaye as Mayor Hart Thorin of Hambry on the set of The Dark Tower TV pilot in June 2019
Ivan Kaye as Mayor Hart Thorin of Hambry on the set of The Dark Tower pilot in June 2019, captured by Michael Rooker

This is where we would have met Ivan Kaye as Mayor Hart Thorin of Hambry as Susan is presented to him.

As long as the pilot is not released, however, it might not be possible to get more glimpses at him or any of the other cast in their roles – except for Michael Rooker who has put out three photos and seems to be very annoyed about the development:

Michael Rooker as Eldred Jonas giving the finger
Go to picture

Release ‚The Dark Tower‘ Pilot: A Petition to Amazon

Therefore, some of the fans of the books and the actors have resolved to set up a petition urging Amazon to release The Dark Tower TV series pilot and it has gained over 1,000 signatures within less than 2 days through social media sharing only.

If you want to see the pilot and Ivan in it, sign the petition now! Ivan himself has retweeted the link.

Sign the petition now!

A WIN-WIN-WIN Scenario

WIN – A streaming release would cost Amazon little to no money and effort and would provide them with a possibility to gain back some of the money spent as well as with additional content at a time when the loss of a full filming season will make itself felt.

WIN – The cast and crew would be able to show the work they have done in the pilot publicly and to add it to their resume and showreels – an option especially important for the young actors who played significant parts.

WIN – The fans would have a chance to see at least the pilot of the series they have been waiting for over years.

Sign now!

The best-case scenario for all concerned would be an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the pilot that would convince either Amazon or another network to revise their initial decision and to commission the first season.

Hence, The Dark Tower TV series is dead when the fans give up – not before that. Have a look at the Snyder Cut if you want to know how powerful determined fans can be!

Sign now!


July 2020

On 8th June 2020, a big Stephen King blog published a review for the pilot after it had been leaked to them and came to a positive result:

The cast looks like they would have pulled it off and the plans Mazzara had for it could have, if done correctly, made this series the Dark Tower adaptation we all wanted and wished for when the movie was done.

Lilja’s Library, Review: The Dark Tower (Unaired Amazon Pilot)

The screenshots attached to this review have meanwhile made their way onto IMDb:

(Sorry, embedding directly from IMDb does not work anymore.)

On 1st July 2020 the petition urging Amazon to release The Dark Tower pilot got its first media coverage on DreadCentral where it was trending for the following week and gained 3.4k views, multiple direct reactions, and social media shares by 15th July already.

Please, have a look at the article here and give it a reaction and a share too!

Other Links

The Dark Tower Pilot on IMDb
Ivan Kaye on IMDb

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