comedy, Content Announcement, Ivan Kaye, movies

New Pages for Ivan’s Comedy ‘For Love or Money’ & his character Patrick

We have filled in the blanks on our production page for Ivan’s new comedy For Love or Money: An Unromantic Comedy now and added a page for his character Patrick!

On the production page you find:

  • Basic data of the film
  • Availability info and links
  • Story outline
  • Appraisal of Ivan’s performance by external reviewers (check for updates!) and ourselves
  • Additional info and links
  • Links to prior posts on the film
  • Media: trailers, an interview with the director and our version of the film cover
Screenshot at 2019-03-23 00:52:25
Go to production page

On the character page you find:

  • A description of Ivan’s character Patrick – no spoilers so far
  • Media: an embedded Youtube clip of a compilation of all we have seen of Ivan in this film before release and an exclusive screenshot never published anywhere before
Screenshot at 2019-03-23 00:58:31
Go to character page



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